Monday, January 28, 2008

some troubling news

Today we got some troubling news. Our foster license has to be closed due to the number of children allowed in the home going from 7 to 5. We have been praying and hoping to adopt two precious little girls that we have had as a part of our extended family for 2 years now. This puts a wrench in those plans. I am not saying it is over because as the saying goes, anything worth having is worth fighting for and we will continue to fight for the rights of the two precious children! We Love them with all of our hearts and our children love them and they love us and are very bonded!!! Please pray with us that God will change the hearts that told us only a short while ago that we were being considered and then without notice or CONSIDERATION closed our license. That in itself does not keep us from adopting them, as the standard of 5 children in the home now is for FOSTER not ADOPTION, but we do have an uphill battle before us. It is frustrating, but you know we were told by several people to give up when Marlee's biological father came into the picture to take her away from us - what if we had given up then? I cannot begin to think of our lives without Marlee!!!! We fought for 2 years and we won that battle with the Lord's help - actually He won it for us! I am having faith now in Him as well, but do not want to just sit around and do nothing so I have emailed some people in charge, gotten some information from the state about the new standard and we are going forward. We hope to not have to "battle" much at all! But Please keep us in your prayers!

1 comment:

AudreyO said...

I happened to stumble on your blog. I'm sending prayers your way for all those kids.

Audrey :)